Federico Barrault was born on March 18th, 1981. He lives and works in Mexico, Argentina. His artistic vocation started at early age and his creative sensibility developed his passion until he started his studies in Bellas Artes y Diseño. However, what defined his artistic personality were his Great Teachers, his autodidactic evolution and the never ceasing challenge of his creative process. His technique versatility and the use of the materials, achieve in his work, a constant evolution of harmony.
For several years, his work has split and gone through parallel paths, the abstract impressionism in big sizes and the modern figurative expression, at the same time, full of lyricism.
His abstraction, based on his own emotion, individual and immediate, goes through a work of art full of feelings, seeking move the spectator from the deepest, crossing the rational barriers, producing his own language from the insanity to the aesthetic harmony.
His figurative work, with essences of the lyricism, and at the same time with an aesthetic point of view and the academic conventionality, looks for new expressive possibilities, applying comfortable strokes where the texture is appreciated, and the suggestive power of colour makes tribute to the individualism of the figure, almost always melancholic, full of exoticism and mystery.
Since 2003 he has participated in various exhibitions around the world. Barrault has numerous works of art in art galleries and private collections in France, Spain, USA, Mexico, India, Argentine, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela.
currently on exhibit
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.