Born in May 22, 1976, currently based in Akron, Ohio, self-taught contemporary artist Billy Ludwig is best known for re-creating history with his SWvsWWII (Star Wars vs. WWII) series. From photo manipulation to guerrilla marketing inspired mixed media pieces, Ludwig’s work revolves around pop culture and science fiction themes conjuring a diverse following. His digital work has a creepy romantic aura while his mixed media pieces highlight the beauty of destruction. Much of his work will garner a second look, as you may have missed a small detail and/or “Easter egg” on first viewing.
For quite a few years now, he has spent a good portion of his time on the road selling his work at numerous events across North America and even going as far as East Asia. October of 2018, Billy accepted an invite by the U.S. Marine Corp. to show his work at an event on their base in Okinawa, Japan.
Not only has Billy maintained and added to an already solid following, he’s been fortunate enough to have his work hanging in the Pentagon and able to catch the attention of some very well known names that collect his work. Among those names are; the late Carrie Fisher (Star Wars, Family Guy), Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) and Chyler Leigh (Supergirl, Not Another Teen Movie). Billy has also created commissioned pieces for Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead, Boondock Saints), John Dolmayan (System of a Down) and worked with ABC Studios set designers for the hit series Criminal Minds.

currently on exhibit
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